Researcher in Psychology

Cognitive and communication problem solving in a digital environment; psychometric creativity and real-life achievements; measurement of individual differences in foreign language aptitudes; cognitive abilities and personality traits as the main factors of professional achievements.
Conference Papers
Gavrilova E.V., Shepeleva E., Tokarchuk Yu.
The Elaboration of Computer Game System for the Measurement of Higher-Order Cognitive Skills by Middle-School Students // 4th Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM (online). December 8-9, 2022.
Gavrilova E.V.
The patterns of the interactions between intelligence and foreign language aptitude: the impact of foreign language experience. Proceedings of the 1st National Congress on cognitive studies, artificial intelligence, and neuroinformatics (online). October 1-2, 2021. Pp. 544-547.
Gavrilova E.V
Cognitive predictors in foreign language aptitude // In abstracts’ book: the 21st Annual meeting of ISIR – International Society for Intelligence Research (online). September 3-4, 2021. P.18.
Gavrilova E.V.
Сognitive determinants of linguistic abilities. Proceedings of the Conference “Digital Humanities and Technologies in Education”. November, 2020. Pp. 55-63.
Gavrilova E.V.
The incidental information processing as a factor of language aptitude // In abstracts’ book: ECPA 15, the 15th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. July 7 – 10, 2019. Brussels. Belgium. Pp. 56-57.
Gavrilova E.V., Ermakov S.S.
The undeliberate information processing and linguistic abilities. Proceedings of the conference “Cognitive Science in Moscow: New Research” // Under the general editorship: E.V. Pechenkova, M.V. Falikman. June 19, 2019. Moscow. Pp. 110-114.
Gavrilova E.V., Belova S.S.
The individual differences in foreign language aptitude and its relation to cognitive abilities // In abstracts’ book: the 19th annual meeting of ISIR - International Society for Intelligence Research. July 13 – 15, 2018. Edinburgh.
Gavrilova E.V.
The incidental linguistic information processing and its relation to general abilities // The 19th international conference on cognitive psychology and memory. May 14-15, 2017. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Gavrilova E.V.
Focal and peripheral information processing as a factor of second language aptitude // In abstracts' book: the Seventh International Conference on Cognitive Science. Executive editors: Yu.I. Aleksandrov, K.V. Anokhin. 2016. Pp. 217-218.
Gavrilova E.V., Belova S.S
The incidental linguistic information processing, focus of attention and individual differences in verbal reasoning abilities // The 5th Implicit Learning Seminar. June 23-25, 2016. Lancaster, United Kingdom.
Gavrilova E.V., Ushakov D.V.
Peripheral information processing as a factor of verbal problem solving // In abstracts' book: the Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Science. Kaliningrad. Russia, 2014. Pp. 235 – 236.
Gavrilova E.V., Belova S.S.
Ability to Use Peripherally Presented Cues in Problem Solving as a Component of Crystallized Intelligence // In abstracts’ book: the 13th Annual meeting of ISIR - International Society for Intelligence Research. San Antonio (TX), USA. December 13 – 15, 2012. P.19.
Gavrilova E.V.
Becoming academic scientist: the model of psychological factors contributing to academic achievement // In abstracts’ book: the 1st International Krakow Conference in Cognitive Science. Krakow, Poland. September 27 – 29, 2012. Pp. 51-52.
Gavrilova E.V.
Differential use of peripheral stimuli in problem solving as a function of intelligence // In abstracts’ book: the 11th Annual meeting of ISIR - International Society for Intelligence Research. Alexandria (VA), USA. December 9 – 11, 2010. P.42.
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